(1) An application to the Tribunal shall be presented in Form I by the applicant in person or by an agent or by a duly authorized legal practitioner to the Registrar or any other officer authorized in writing by the Registrar to receive the same or be sent by Registered Post with Acknowledgement duly addressed to the registrar of the Bench concerned.
(2) The Registrar, or the officer authorized by him under rule 4, shall endorse on every application the date on which it is presented or deemed to have been presented under that rule and shall sign the endorsement.
(3) If, on scrutiny, the application is found to be in order, it shall be duly registered and given a serial number.
(4)Every application filed with the Registrar shall be accompanied by a fee of rupees fifty to be remitted either in the form of crossed demand draft drawn on a nationalized bank in favour of the Registrar of the concerned Bench and payable at the main Branch of that bank at the station where the seat of the said Bench is situate, or remitted through a crossed Indian Postal Order drawn in favour of the Registrar of the concerned Bench and payable at the post office of the station where the said Bench is situated
Suggest that you visit the bar association at Central Administrative tribunal - cuttack and hire a lawyer after verifying his credentials.