To transfer the patta in your father's name the following process shall have to be followed.
1. An application, in the prescribed format along with the appropriate fee, is to be submitted to the office of the tahsildar against a valid acknowledgement.
2. All the relevant details of the property need to be furnished in this application, hence utmost care is required while furnishing these details.
3. The revenue office will process the application and the property is valued for taxation purposes and annual tax payable against the property is fixed by the revenue office. In this process new identification numbers for holding, plot, khata, dag etc are allotted to the property.
4. A date is fixed by the revenue office for hearing. Legally speaking, if your aunt has some valid grounds to protest, she can raise or make objections to the revenue officer, before such mutation is approved by such revenue authorities.
Any such objections if taken on record by the revenue officer, you will need to have it over ruled by filing a suitable application for Revenue Tribunal Suit before the appropriate superior revenue authority who has merely taken a note of such protest and have such protest note invalidated after the decision. After due disposal of the dispute (if any) the revenue office issues “Mutation Certificate” to the new owner and the name of the new owner is shown as the owner of the property.
5. For successful completion of the entire aforesaid process, you should avail the services of a local lawyer.