• Husband 2nd marriage

This is regarding my cousin brother's daughter. She is 22 yrs old. She got married to a person 3 years back. One year after marriage, that person started harassing her mentally and physically. It was before nine months from now, after discussion between both of them, he left her on road asking her to go to her home. After that we tried to patch them. Now recently we got to know that he got married again to another girl for dowry (with the help of his mother and sister) and it happened 2 months after he left his first wife. We lodged complaint on him, however with influence he is roaming raising his collar. my cousin can not afford financially to fight against this strongly. Can you please guide us, what we could do to make him known that he had done big mistake.
Asked 11 years ago in Family Law
Religion: Hindu

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6 Answers

File a complaint under section 494 /495 of IPC for bigamy. Under section 5(1) read with section 11 of Hindu marriage act provides that marriage by husband during subsistence of his earlier marriage is null and void. You will need to gather evidence of his second marriage.

Ajay Sethi
Advocate, Mumbai
97796 Answers
7923 Consultations

Above is the legal solution,you can try socially also.For financial issue try to find free legal help group in your city.

Anil Gupta


Anil Gupta
Advocate, New Delhi
180 Answers
41 Consultations

if she has financial problem she can claim maintenance for her husband along with other remedies and take police and women associations help to punish him

Anil Kumar
Advocate, Bangalore
35 Answers
6 Consultations

Better to go for divorce instead trying to punish him.

Prithwish Ganguli
Advocate, Kolkata
21 Answers
12 Consultations

File a criminal case for bigamy against him after collecting the evidence of his second marriage. A person who marries during the existence of his first marriage commits the offence of bigamy. Simultaneously she can also file for divorce against him.

Ashish Davessar
Advocate, Jaipur
30814 Answers
974 Consultations

Dear Querist

Mr. Ajay Sethi is rightly advise

Nadeem Qureshi
Advocate, New Delhi
6319 Answers
302 Consultations

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