• recruitment of assistant professor by teachers recruitment board

I have applied for assistant professor post recruitment carried out by trb tamilnadu.They simply stated me not eligible because i have done MSc from bangalore univ inspite of the fact that i have cleared State eligibility test for lecturership.The trb people say only those who have done MSc biotechnology from bharathidasan univ are only eligible.When other states in India see the basic requirement of Masters degree with set or phd for appointment why only tamilnadu have there own rule ..I would like to deal with this issue legally for which i need your guidance.Still I really don't know to which category my case belongs..so please help me out...
Asked 11 years ago in Civil Law

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2 Answers

please read terms and condition for being eligible to apply for post . is there any such condition laid down that only those who have cleared from bharthi dasan university are eligible to apply?

. in event no such condition is laid down the TRB cannot refuse to consider your application .

even if such a condition is laid down you can challenge the same as you have cleared state eligibility Test for lectureship .further in other states basic requirement is only that you have to clear MSc in said subject .since you are highly qualified your application must be considered on merits . contact a local lawyer . file writ petition in Madras high court

Ajay Sethi
Advocate, Mumbai
97925 Answers
7942 Consultations

If it is a condition by trb,than go against Tamil Nadu govt for your fundamental right of equality,but before this see if it is mentioned in eligibility requirement.

Anil Gupta


Anil Gupta
Advocate, New Delhi
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