• Property lease and sale deed

i would like to know about the lease and sale deed,

1) whether lessee gets title deed after lease period is over and consideration is paid to lessor?

2)what is the minimum lease cum sale deed period?

3) whether lease cum sale deed can be used for private land?

4) whether lessee can pay the consideration for property in installment during lease period if lessor agrees to terms?

5) whether Lease and Sale deed for private land is valid?


Celine jilu
Asked 10 years ago in Civil Law

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9 Answers

1) you have to state detailed facts of your case .

2) the clauses made in the lease deed have to be gone into .

3) if there is provision in lease deed that after period of say 5 years lessee would have right to purchase the said property on payment of consideration then you can enforce the said contract .

4) if lessor agrees to acceptance of payment by installments lessee can make payment in installments

5) ) once property is sold lessee/purchaser gets title deed to the property .

6) lease cum sale deed is generally executed by housing Boards for sale of flats to various income groups

Ajay Sethi
Advocate, Mumbai
97887 Answers
7940 Consultations

Hi, lease cum sale deed normally execute government authority and Housing board after expiry of lease period sale deed will execute in favour of the purchaser.

Pradeep Bharathipura
Advocate, Bangalore
5617 Answers
338 Consultations

Dear Client,

You are advised hereby that,

Reply to you Q.It depends upon the terms and conditions of the lease agreement. If sale consideration is paid the title rights naturally transfered.

Q.2 There is no time fixed by the law. The time of lease should be fixed by the parties to the lease.

Q.3 Yes lease cum sale deed can be used for private land.

Q.4 Yes.

Q.5 Yes.

Mohammad Khaleel Ahmed
Advocate, Hyderabad
184 Answers
1 Consultation


Usually lease cum sale Agreement is executed when government housing projects alot houses to eligible applicants so that they don't sell it for a profit to some one else .

Usually the lessee gets title to the property after the lease period is over provided it is so stipulated in the agreement.

The parties can determine the lease period. It can be 5 years,10 or 99 years depending on the nature of the lease.

It can be valid for sale of private land provided the stipulations are flawless and the agreement is registered.

S J Mathew
Advocate, Mumbai
3602 Answers
175 Consultations


2.though no fixed time period but 3 years is minimum.


4.yes, if lessor agree to it.


R.K. Nanda
Advocate, New Delhi
457 Answers

1. The rights of the lessee flow out of the lease deed. The clauses incorporated in the lease deed are sacrosanct and cannot be deviated from by either the lessor or lessee. If there is a specific clause contained in the lease deed to the effect that the lessee shall, after the lease period is over, become the owner of the property leased out to him, the clause will take effect. In the absence of such a clause, lessee does not become the owner of the property.

2. There is no minimum or maximum lease period provided by the law. The lessor and lessee can by an agreement fix any period.

3. Lease can be for public or private land.

4. If there is an agreement between the lessee and lease period whereby the lessor agrees to take the consideration of the property through monthly, bi-annual or annual installments the same will be valid.

5. A lease deed can cover a private land also if the legal compliances have been made.

Ashish Davessar
Advocate, Jaipur
30814 Answers
974 Consultations

Nothing left to add, i think you get answer of your queries.

Nadeem Qureshi
Advocate, New Delhi
6319 Answers
302 Consultations

1. Yes, why not? However, it all depends on whatr has been mentioned in the deed,

2. There is no such minimum time period fixed. It all depends on what and how the parties desire,

3. The is no bar in having lease cum sale deed for peivate properties,

4. Yes, it all depends on what both the paries want and what has been mentioned in the said deed.

5. Yes, very much valid if done legally.

Krishna Kishore Ganguly
Advocate, Kolkata
27538 Answers
726 Consultations

period of lease depends as mentioned in the deed. there is no bar in having such a deed lease amount can be received lumpsum or monthly basis .it can be done for private and public lands

Jeshma Mohandas KP
Advocate, Kozhikode
567 Answers
1 Consultation

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