Tax benefit for delayed possession beyond 3 years
Hello Lawyers Team,
I have recently booked apt in June 14 (paying 5 lkhs), which was in prelaunch stage, from an reputed builder (through Marketing Channel Partner) on their commitment (verbal) that the possession will happen by Dec 2017. We (all the buyers including the channel partner) had the same understanding until we asked the builder (Mid Aug) to mention the same in the agreement copy. Then they completely changed their version and started claiming that they will give possession by May 18 (which will be mentioned in agreement + 6 months grace period) and said they never told us about Dec 17. Now they are pushing us to sign the agreement by 15th Sept with payment of 20% (including the booking amount) and next 10% by 30th sept. (Launch is expected now in 1st wk of sept. Earlier told to us as 15th July, which later changed to 15th Aug)
Further as per their booking form fine print, if one cancels the booking before agreement, there is a penalty of 75,000 rps (& after agreement it is 25% of agreement value)
In between we made a group of people (30-40 people) and were addressing all the issues and concerns through the group.
Now we understand we will be eligible for tax benefit (2,00,000 Lkhs/yr), only if the possession happens within 3 years from the date of loan sanction letter (please correct if i am wrong). But if i take loan in Dec 14 , the possession has to happen on or before Dec 17 in order to enjoy the tax benefit. The possession beyond this will limit the interest tax benefit to 30,000/yr throughout the loan tenure (20 yrs). We requested the builder, with this concern, to defer the payment beyond 20% (which i will pay upfront) after April 2015, but they denied for it. Instead as per their payment schedule they expect us to pay 47.5% of the value by May 15.
So to get the tax benefit over the loan tenure, we have to avail the avail the loan from banck after May 2014,for which we have to pay 47.5% of money from our pocket which is not possible.
In between, there are some important points to be noted -
1) Builder changed floor plan layout which was showed to us during the booking and increased carpet area (from 1457 to 1496 sqft for some of us. He shared with us and demands more money for the increased area. Does it hold any legal value to cancel an Apt.?
2) The Property is a joint development (Residential part will be build by Builder and Commercial areas to be build by land owner > we came to know in beginning of Aug) Builder & Land Owner has signed and JDA but they are not sharing us saying that it is confidential and cannot be disclosed. If some one wants to see it can get it through RTI. Builder promised as showing in brochure a retail space which is not under his control or authority. Does it hold any cheating or mis-communication clause?
3) Builder giving infeasible dates of payment where approval from nationalized banks are yet to come.
4) He asked for 20% without sharing any documents which we raised our voice against through mail. Does it hold any legal value of mistrust for cancellation?
5) We do not have any written proof of the early commitment of Dec 17 as Possession date.
6) offcourse not to mention that the agreement looks very one-sided, safeguarding the builder in all situations
My Questions :
1. Is the above understanding on the tax rebate is correct ?
2. Is there any binding or guideline for Builder to deliver the project within 3 years in order to safeguard the buyers interest. Are there any legal instruments/laws which safeguard buyers from such unfair practices
3. What do we do at this point of time to secure our interest which legally can get support. What should be our stand and What could be best amicable solution.
4. Is there any way legally or commercially, which avoid us restricting the payment to 20-25% until may 2015 and the rest of payment happens through bank ( since i want to get the bank loan only after April 2015 to secure the interest part of taxation)
5. We have signed the booking form mentioning 75,000 rps penalty. But as it is not on stamp paper does it hold any legal value? Can they claim 75000 from me, if i can want to cancel my booking.
Thanks in Advance
Buyer from Bangalore
Asked 10 years ago in Property Law