• Legal heir certificate from village office

Three months before my father expired and for transferring bank a/c and telephone connection to my mother's name I applied for Legal heir certificate in our Village office situated in chennai, They told that they required death certificate of my grandfather and grandmother who has been expired nearly long time back, since non availability of death certificates of my grandfather and grandmother they asked to get self written affidavit from my mother duly signed and authorized by notary public in Rs.20/- stamp paper declaring the death of my grandfather and grandmother.
I request for is there any prescribed format of affidavit available for above mentioned case..
To get notary attestation what are the documents required,Kindly suggest some info to get legal heir certificate..
Asked 10 years ago in Civil Law

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8 Answers

You can apply in Form –I affixing Court fee stamps of Rs.3.00 in his/her native Tahasil. The documents need for the same along with the application are Death certificate of the deceased person,Affidavit. Copy of Ration Card. Copy of Voter ID Card and Copy of R.O.R. (if any stands in the name of the deceased person). After that an enquiry about the same will conducted and based on the report of the Village Administrative Officer and Revenue Inspector and after due enquiry, this certificate will be issued by the Tahsildar mentioning the names of all legal heirs of the deceased.you can get a family survival membership certificate from the village officer for the time being.the person applying for legal heir must give an affidavit attested by notary.if need the format will send you.you can apply online in chennai

Jeshma Mohandas KP
Advocate, Kozhikode
567 Answers
1 Consultation

Yes there is a self affidavit to be given by your mother or you and it must be attested by the notary. I will give you the format of the same used in south india Will mail you the same.give your mail id or opt for phone consultation or mail me.

Jeshma Mohandas KP
Advocate, Kozhikode
567 Answers
1 Consultation


In order to get your affidavit notarised you need to take the person making the affidavit to the notary's office with his/her photo ID and an address proof.

There is no prescribed format for your mother to make an affidavit.All she needs to mention in the affidavit on solemn affirmation is that your grand parents have passed away.

You can download a form online if you choose to do or just walk into an advocate's office in your locality and he will help make an affidavit.

S J Mathew
Advocate, Mumbai
3602 Answers
175 Consultations


I, ………………………………. S/o, D/o ……………………………, age ……

years, r/o



do hereby solemnly affirm and state as follows:-

1. I do hereby declare that my grand Father/grand Mother died on

…………………………………………, at ………………………………due to

illness. He has left behind the following family members.

i am grand daughter of said my deceased grand father / grand mother.

2. I am giving this affidavit on solemn declaration consciously believing it to

be true and in good faith thereof.

The above stated facts are true and correct.



verified at on that contents of my above affidavit are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and nothing material has been concealed therefrom.


print above matter of affidavit on Rs. 50/ stamp paper and attest it by notary and then submit in concerned office.

R.K. Nanda
Advocate, New Delhi
457 Answers

1) first purchase s 20 stamp paper in your mother name .

2) in affidavit mention your mother full name , her residential address , her age .

3) i do hope that your mother is aware of date and year of death of grand parents .

4) mention details of their death . , place where they died .

5) it should be affirmed on oath before notary public .

6) your mother will need to carry her identity proof like election card or other document before notary

7) get affidavit drafted by local lawyer

Ajay Sethi
Advocate, Mumbai
97804 Answers
7925 Consultations

Mr.Nanda has done the needful for you.

The affidavit given by him should be printed on a Rs.50/- stamp paper. It should then be got attested by a notary and submitted to the competent authority.

Ashish Davessar
Advocate, Jaipur
30814 Answers
974 Consultations

1. The format has been provided by Ld. Adv. Nanda,

2. This the simlest legal document which can be made by the typist of the Court,

3. Your mother's name, age and address, your grand parents name, date of demise is required to be mentioned in the affidavit,

4. Get the affidavit notarised by a notary public,

5. No document will be required. To be on the safe side, carry ID card of your mother for getting the affidavit notarised.

Krishna Kishore Ganguly
Advocate, Kolkata
27538 Answers
726 Consultations



We, (1) _________, son of _______, by occupation _______, (2) _________, wife of _______, by occupation _______, all by Nationality – Indian, by faith – Hindu, residing at _____, Post Office - ______, Police Station - ________, District - ________, do hereby solemnly affirm and declare as follows: -

1. We all are major persons.

2. We are governed by Dayabhaga/mitakshra school of Hindu Law.

3. ________, father of the Deponent No. 1 & husband of the Deponent No. 2 died intestate on ______ surviving him us, the Deponents herein as his only legal heirs. He left no other person/s as his legal heir/s.

4. We confirm and declare that we are the only legal heirs of _________, since deceased.

5. The Statements made in the above paragraphs of this affidavit are true to the best of our knowledge and belief.

We sign this affidavit on this __ day of August, 2014 at chennai.

Identified by me



Nadeem Qureshi
Advocate, New Delhi
6319 Answers
302 Consultations

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