The Supreme Court of India in D.S. Nakara & Others vs. Union
of India has made the following observations on right to pension.
“The antiquated notion of pension being a bounty
or a gratuitous payment depending upon the
sweet will or grace of the employer not claimable
as a right and therefore, no right to pension can
be enforced through Court has been swept under
the carpet by the decision of the Constitution
Bench in Deoki Nandan Prasad v. State of Bihar
wherein this Court authoritatively ruled
that pension is a right and the payment of it does
not depend upon the discretion of the
Government but is governed by rules and a
Government servant coming within those rules
is entitled to claim pension”.
2) Pension is the deferred portion of compensation for long and
devoted services rendered by an employee with the employer.
3) Non-payment of retiral benefits
therefore, is a violation of one’s fundamental right under Article 21.
The right to receive the same is not only a fundamental right but is
also a right to property under Article 300-A of Constitution of India
which cannot be taken away except by Authority of Law.
4) your employer cannot seek to adjust your pension amount against amount sought to be recovered from you in pending court case