• Marriage agreement suggestion

In Jan 2012 I got married to a Marwari boy against our parents wish. We did marriage in a temple, got the signature of priest and did notary of this. We disclosed this to our parents after 2 months but they did not accept.Later my parents accepted but his parents didn't. They kept condition on us to stay in different cities for nearabout 1 year. So accordingly, I relocated to a metro city and started doing job, he stayed at his parents place.

Now, i.e. nearabout after 2 years his parents are ready to accept us but again kept the condition that we should sign an agreement which states that me and my husband have no rights to claim on their property (the property is all earned by his father nothing is ancestral). My husband is in family business and I am not supposed to work. So I have a big confusion related to this agreement since I am feeling financially insecure.
Asked 11 years ago in Family Law
Religion: Hindu

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2 Answers

The claim could only arise when there would be demise of your in-laws. In current case you cannot claim and as you mentioned that you are already working. Therefore, this agreement wont make sense. On the other hand your in-laes have right to will the properties.


Feroz Shaikh
Advocate, Navi Mumbai
407 Answers
58 Consultations

You should not have any qualms in signing this agreement as neither you nor your husband have any rights in the property of your father-in-law. Even if you do not sign this agreement your father-in-law as the owner of his properties can jolly well make a will and disqualify your husband from his property.

Ashish Davessar
Advocate, Jaipur
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