• Impotent husband

I am married for 7 yrs and 7 months. My husband makes excuses from day one making physical relations. However, he forcefully make me indulge into satisfy him only with in-natural way. He is violent too and beats me. He uses all my money, which I earn. Threatened me so many times that he will kill me. Nowadays he forces me to commit suicide. What to do? I live in Gurgaon, I complained in police also for 4-5 times. But they don't take any action, always tell me to compromise.
Asked 11 years ago in Family Law
Religion: Hindu

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2 Answers

You can file a complaint with magistrate under 498a for mental and physical cruelty. Simultaneously if you may prefer a case in family court for divorce for mental and physical harassment including cruelty can be filed.


Feroz Shaikh
Advocate, Navi Mumbai
407 Answers
58 Consultations

1. Police cannot do anything in this case

2. Your rights within the legal framework include the right to file for divorce on the ground of impotency of your husband and the cruelty that is meted out to you by him. That apart, you may also file a case for physical harm in the court and seek a restraining order from the court. If he violates the restraint order issued by the court then he may be jailed.

Ashish Davessar
Advocate, Jaipur
30814 Answers
974 Consultations

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