Dear Querist
my opinion on your queries are as under:
1)whether the society can gain any think form the criminal case? if yes how?
Opinion: in criminal case the society will not gain any thing, but if the case will proved then the accused may get conviction.
2)can the society withdraw the case with is verses state of maharashtra if they have no interest and if they are not to gain any thing.? if yes what is the procedure?
Opinion: the society may withdraw the case but after the permission of the court otherwise not, if there is any settlement then the accused may file quashing petition u/s 482 of crpc against the FIR/charge sheet.
3)the case is not investigated fully. one main accused is absconding.initial state for last 16 years. can accused pray for dismissal of case on ground of speedy trial. if yes then in which court to be applied.
Opinion: no on this ground the case can not be dismissed but the other accused may pray to court for separation of file from that accused.
4) what is the best remidy for accuse to get out of the case as early as possible with trial/without trial.
Opinion: settlement with the society is best option.