• Succession of property

My Aunt's husband died and he left no will.My aunty married in bandra court and she has document for the same but she was staying apart from husband for the last 12 years due to some conflict between them. Uncle made illigal affair with some other women for the last three years but not sure if they got married. The Father (Pastor) in the church claiming the woman and uncle got married that is the only proof of marriage in woman's favour. 
The problem is the woman is claiming 100% right to property and not giving any share neither to my aunty nor to uncle's brothers (3 brothers) 
How the property shall be distributed between aunty that woman and uncle's three brothers.

The uncle is christain got converted from hiduism.

Please help.
Asked 11 years ago in Family Law
Religion: Hindu

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1 Answer

Your aunt alone is entitled to the entire property of her deceased husband. She can substantively file a case for partition against her husband's brothers and his paramour in the court to validate her succession.

Ashish Davessar
Advocate, Jaipur
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