Hello All,
i am a 40 yr old male, i was married 15 years ago. one year back i filed for divorce on the ground on mental cruelty. my file filed DV act, 125, 24, 26 and other cases. she also filed false police complaint that i was harassing her for dowry and demanding money and car. police investigation already done and i was come out clean. She also filed false DV case against me and my family members. my questions are...
1) can i take any legal action against my wife for false allegation and police complaints. can i file maan-haani case or any other case
2) can i get divorce on the basis of false police complaints by my wife against me..
3) can my family members take any legal action against false DV case.
Asked 9 years ago in Family Law
Religion: Hindu
First i filed for divorce case then she filed false police complaint, do i have to amend my divorce petition to include this police complaint or i can make this police complaint for ground for divorce without introducing this police complaint in my divorce petition. please suggest
Asked 9 years ago