Dear Querist
Yes you can apply for job.
This case is very minor and there is no effect on your job.
I have been registered at 107/151 CrPC. Can I go for government job without any issue
You can go for a government job. It is a minor case. But do mention the same in the column mentioned in government not conceed it.if you conceed it may create problem.
These charges will be effective for an Year, since charged as chapter case, it will be a problem if you repeat the offence.
107 is a step taken before the executive magistrate and notice issued by the police on a complaint , when there is likelihood that one may breach peace and the public tranquility .151 is the judicial discretion to invoke 107.
These charges are officially meant to keep the good behavior the person accused .
you do not have to mention about it in the .application.It is not going to affect your job. Nothing to worry or to mention in your job profile or application.
Mention it in my job application or not?
No definitely no need to mention . it is not going to be mentioned in any of the official record until you are summoned for repetitive behavior of the same offence /act .
You must mention the same in the specified column if any and the current status the case in now is for your safety as in future it will create won't make you un selected.
You need not worry about having been booked under 107/151 crpc as these are preventive sections of the law and are not of serious nature that should impact your prospects of a government job.
You need not mention about the same as there is no conviction.However ensure that in the immediate future you don't get into any immediate trouble with the law.
The provision of law clamped on you is very pretty and does not make you an undertrial. It will not have any adverse impact on your career unless you violate the undertaking given to maintain peace and good behaviour for a year.
You do not need to make a mention of the same while applying for a job.