since you have completed 4 years and 180 days (company follows a five day working schedule) is ekigibile.
As per section 4 of Payment of Gratuity Act, 1972, one has to complete 5 years of service. The calculation is , the employee who has worked for 240 days in a year, is treated as one year. this also means that 4 years and 240 days , Since the employee has completed four years and 240 days, he/she will be eligible for gratuity as it is treated as five years service.
sec 2A, of the act says , the service shall still be deemed to be uninterrupted service.In such case number of days need not be counted.However if the service is interrupted for any reason(other than reasons in sec. 2A), then one has to count days and if days worked in any year is equal to or more than 240 days,then it shall be considered as one year continuous service.
For example if an employee renders four years uninterrupted service and if the service is interrupted in fifth year,then if he has actually worked for equal or more than 240 days in fifth year,it shall be deemed that he has completed 5 years continuous service.
you should file a petition with the Asst.Commissioner of Labour of your area claiming Gratuity