• Resale of under-construction flat in Ghaziabad

I want to sell my under construction flat in Raj Nagar Extension, Ghaziabad and have already found new buyer. I have made about 80% payment to the builder till now and have not taken any loan from any bank.

Now Builder is asking me for transfer fees and following procedure of transfer in order to make the deal legal:-

1) I have to write application to builder for transfer request.
2) Transfer fees to be deposited by me to him first.
2) Builder will cancel my membership and will issue new allotment to the buyer on the old agreed amount.
3) If new buyer is to seek loan, bank will send money to the builder.
4) After receipt of money from new buyer's bank, he will refund me amount deposited by me to him.
5) Surplus amount/Black money to be mutually settled between me and new buyer. 

Is it the right process applicable in Ghaziabad for transfer of under construction flat or something else can be done?


Asked 10 years ago in Property Law

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7 Answers

Dear Client,In such situation you should release a complete payment and register that property in favour of yours as per your submission you already paid 80 percent till date therafter sell it to new buyer safely.

Anurag Bhatt
Advocate, Allahabad
83 Answers
1 Consultation

Legally speaking you have not yet become the owner of the flat under construction since the registration of the flat has not been done yet in your name by the builder. Since you have already paid 80% of the value of the flat and still can not be called as the owner of the flat because the deal is not yet concluded. Better to pay the remaining 20% to the builder and get the registration of the property done in your favour and later on for the mutually agreed price between you and the new buyer you can clinch the deal by getting a good margin in price and you need not share the profit you get out of the deal with the builder. Yes the NOC may be necessary if the new buyer avails loan from bank other than builder's bank.

Shashidhar S. Sastry
Advocate, Bangalore
5491 Answers
333 Consultations

1) ask the purchaser to first get his loan sanctioned for the amount to be paid . since bank formalities take lot of time in principle sanction of loan is must .

2)the procedure suggested by builder is not in your interest . you pay the transfer fees but get money only after buyer has paid to the builder .

3) further builder is not willing to refund black money component which forms significant portion in any transaction .

4) better option would be to pay builder full amount , get regd sale deed in your favour take possession of flat and when society is formed sell the flat .

5) transfer charges would also be nominal . however if you urgently need the money you have no option but to agree to builder suggestions

Ajay Sethi
Advocate, Mumbai
97940 Answers
7943 Consultations

1) no builder will refuse to give NOC as they receive around Rs 2 lakhs as transfer charges . hence had advised you to wait till society is formed as society cannot charge more than Rs 25,000 as transfer charges .

2) as far as transfer of under construction flat is allowed or not in Ghaziabad or not in respect of freehold land only local lawyer can guide you

Ajay Sethi
Advocate, Mumbai
97940 Answers
7943 Consultations

Please contact any local lawyer to guide you so far as the issues involved are local

Shashidhar S. Sastry
Advocate, Bangalore
5491 Answers
333 Consultations

You must release entire amount and then sell the same.then you must change your membership to the buyers you can use phone consultation for detailed advice

Jeshma Mohandas KP
Advocate, Kozhikode
567 Answers
1 Consultation

A. Generally, every transaction stands as per the term and conditions of the agreement. Kindly check your agreements which have been executed between you and builder that, is there any fixed transfer fee mentioned in the agreement ?

B. If you are getting nuisance from the builder regarding transfer fee, frequently, you can approach Consumer Forum under deficiency in the Service.

C. The Builder has no right to refuse to issue NOC and you can wait till the formation of the Society due to save your transfer fee.

D. The Purchaser can take loan in any bank against other than a builder's bank. But the bank will ask noc from the builder while transferring your right to the purchaser.

E. Contact local lawyer with respect your last query.

B.T. Ravi
Advocate, Bangalore
943 Answers
96 Consultations

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