• Late salary and release order

I am Group A officer working in Geological Survey of India (having 4 years of service)
(1) Am I eligible to draw salary by myself?
(2) If yes what are the procedures?
(3) Please tell steps for calculating my salary
(4) Can I directly apply to Ministry for reimbursement?
 Thank you
Asked 10 years ago in Labour

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5 Answers

Your questions are not clear. I am failed to understand as to why are you questioning eligibility to draw salary yourself ? Have your salary been drawn by someone else for four years? and like other questions. Please be specific with full facts and circumstances to answer.

S.P. Srivastava
Advocate, New Delhi
703 Answers
13 Consultations

1. Your query is very unclear,

2. When you are working as group 'A' officer of G.S.I. for last 4 years surely you have been drawing your salary from the said organisation,

3. You shall continue to draw your salary in the same way.

Krishna Kishore Ganguly
Advocate, Kolkata
27535 Answers
726 Consultations

1. You can not apply for reimbursement of salary to the ministry,

2. It is strange that you being a group 'A' officer of G.S.I. for last 4 years are not aware about how to calculate the salary or where to right in case there is a discrepency in your salary slip,

3. Write to your superior officer or salary paying department regarding the said salary discrepency,

4. For getting the payment of the bills for doing official work, get the said bills/expenditure approved by your sanctioning authority before sending the same for payment.

Krishna Kishore Ganguly
Advocate, Kolkata
27535 Answers
726 Consultations


You can not directly apply to the ministry for a reimbursement of the salary as the ministry directly does not involve in this.

If you are confused about the salary calculation you need to seek for clarification from the officer you are reporting to or the HR department to explain to in detail how the salary is calculated and why there is a difference

Each time you have to spend from your pocket for official work ensure you get a pre approval to spend and submit the bills for reimbursement.

If your immediate office is being non co operative and unhelpful you can always escalate it to the higher authorities and even to the ministry.

S J Mathew
Advocate, Mumbai
3602 Answers
175 Consultations

You can approach the minisrty with your grievances.

Thresiamma G. Mathew
Advocate, Mumbai
1645 Answers
212 Consultations

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