Divorce is not a platform ticket, husband can go to Court and buy it across booking window. If wife does not want to give divorce, it is very difficult for any court to pass decree for divorce. If he files divorce he will have to pay hefty sum to you as maintenance during divorce proceeding and it takes years to obtain divorce. Even after that he will not get divorce. Law is in favor of woman. If he files divorce you can file number of cases, he will spend lot of money and time and lose peace of mind. Your position is very strong in law.
I am forwarding the law against harassment of wife by husband and his family. You will know all the law that is in your favor. I am not suggesting any legal actions but it will give you confidence.
They are doing this because you are tolerating it once you enforce your rights they will realize their mistakes and mend their ways. Following remedies are available to you…
- Under Domestic Violence Act, 2005—
- You, any relative or friend on your behalf or an Advocate engaged by you can submit an application to the Magistrate or police. A notice will be served on husband and he will be asked to attend the court on a particular date. If he fails to attend court, he will be arrested by police and brought to court. You can obtain any or all of the following orders…
- Protection order prohibiting husband from—
- committing any act of domestic violence;
- entering the place of your employment;
- attempting to communicating with you;
- selling any assets, operating bank accounts or bank lockers held jointly by both or singly by husband including streedhan.
- Residence order. Police will force your husband to give shelter in the shared house and restrain him from dispossessing you.
- Monetary reliefs:
- To meet the expensed incurred and losses suffered as a result of domestic violence;
- Loss of earnings;
- Medical expenses;
- Maintenance for wife and children;
- Lump sum payment.
- Compensation: compensation and damages for injuries, including mental torture and emotional distress.
- You can file a case under Section 19 (b) or (d) Domestic Violence Act, 2005, under which Court will order police to take to the matrimonial house and keep you there. Court can also order husband not to enter within 200 meters of house. If he obstructs you, police will arrest him.
Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973, Section 125: you can obtain monthly maintenance for yourself and child. Employed or not, earning or not he is bound to pay you and your child maintenance. -
Indian Penal Code, 1860: You can file criminal case under Section 498A/82 BNS, 2023 if there is cruelty or demands of dowry for which punishment is imprisonment upto three years. - If they are not giving your belongings, you can file case against them under Section 406 of Indian Penal Code, 1860 for criminal breach of trust for which punishment is 3 years.
It is not easy for him to get divorce, unless you agree. If he files divorce he has to pay of alimony running into hefty sum.
secure your ornaments by obtaining order, not to operate bank locker and bank accounts under Domestic Violence Act, 2005.