sorry to say that the platform gives a chance to the person posting the query to post follow up queries on the main query after receiving replies from the answering advocates
the person cannot, under the pretext of follow up, ask altogether a new query which has got no connection to the main query on a different subject matter
admin - please see to it that such queries under the pretext of follow up are not allowed and the person must be asked to post a new query on a different thread
nevertheless as regards the new question asked in the guise of a follow up to the main query - in my view the conduct of the advocate is unprofessional. As he has a personal interest in the subject matter of the litigation, ideally he should not represent the party for whom he has entered appearance. It appears that in order to escape the rigours of professional conduct and etiquette as applicable to advocates, the said advocate got the disputed property registered in his son's name, which too amounts to a professional misconduct under the Advocate's Act and Bar Council of India rules
The word follow up means it is something related to the main question and NOT altogether a new question
Just because you have paid in dollars you don't get the right to ask an altogether new question guised as a follow up
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