• Is it legal to do college assignments in return for money?

I have been approached by Indian students doing their MBAs / MScs from universities in UK to do their college assignments and dissertations in return for money. 

These students spend a lot of time doing odd jobs to pay their fees which make it difficult for them to attend/concentrate in classes. Moreover the accent of teachers makes it difficult for them to understand what's being taught. All this results in their incompetency to do the assignments and hence approach external agencies for help.

My question is simple: Is it a legal offence to do this work? Am I breaking the law?

Kindly help me out.
Asked 10 years ago in Criminal Law

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6 Answers

No, you are not breaking any law.

But never make it official that you have done this.

You are assisting the students to finalise the dissertation.

Devajyoti Barman
Advocate, Kolkata
23361 Answers
524 Consultations


It depends on the institution and nature of the assignments and dissertations. it is a practice as the most of them are working and not having the language comfort. If caught they will be in trouble.

Thresiamma G. Mathew
Advocate, Mumbai
1645 Answers
212 Consultations

The answer to your question depends upon in which country are you going to do this. Whether the laws of that country define such an act to be illegal and provides for its consequences? If yes then certainly you are doing an illegal act.

Assuming that you are in India, I don't think helping any students in doing dissertations or college assignments is an offence in itself. Whether you charge money for that or not is a matter of personal choice.

Aiding and helping in getting an assignment done is one thing, and completely doing it for them is another. There is a vast difference in them. In the first case the student will be applying his mind to the studies, whereas in the second case he will not be studying at all and will be merely buying a product from you. I am afraid you may not be completely clean in second case.

Moreover if the rules of that course contain any provision to the effect that a student who does not do the assignments himself and gets it done through someone else and presents it as his or her own, then it would amount to illegality, then in such an eventuality you may be aiding and abetting the illegal act.

On moral count this may not be correct. The whole purpose of the education will be defeated and you will be indirectly aiding in producing incompetent degree holders who in turn will affect the whole system and ultimately society. Think again. All the best.

Nahush Khubalkar
Advocate, Nagpur
69 Answers
20 Consultations

1. It is perfectly legal for you to charge money as a quid pro quo from the students for doing their assignments and dissertations. In order to safeguard your rights enter into an agreement with the students before commencing to do this work.

2. If you are based in India then you will be governed by the Indian law notwithstanding the fact that students whose assignments you will be doing are based in United Kingdom or other countries. Under the Indian law doing a work of this nature for money is absolutely legal.

Ashish Davessar
Advocate, Jaipur
30814 Answers
974 Consultations

1. It is not illegal to do an assignment given by a student to you against payment despite the fact that the said assignment was primarily given to the said student,

2. You can see it as if helping/teaching the student in finalising his college assignment on receipt of payment.

Krishna Kishore Ganguly
Advocate, Kolkata
27533 Answers
726 Consultations

nothing left to add,

Nadeem Qureshi
Advocate, New Delhi
6319 Answers
302 Consultations

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