Correction of father's name in land records
My late grandfather, Chandkiran, had two children, Sanjay and Vikas. Sanjay married Anita (my mother) and had two sons, Ashwani (my brother) and Rajneesh (me). Sanjay passed away shortly after we were born. Later, Vikas married my mother and took care of us since we were very young. In our educational documents, such as marksheets, and in public records like Aadhar and Pan cards, Vikas is registered as our father. However, in the tehsil records, Sanjay is listed as our father.
When we applied for a farmer card, we faced difficulties due to this inconsistency. We want to ensure that the tehsil records are updated, as changing this information in marksheets and other documents will be challenging. Could you please guide us on how to correct this?
Asked 2 months ago in Property Law
Religion: Hindu
How much time will it take and what will be the process? i passed my 10th in 2015 and 12th in 2017. is there a shorter way to correct this like, transfer this land to vikas again(since he is real brother). since it is our family matter we will not contest any claims.
Asked 2 months ago
This is a family matter with no disputes or objections from anyone. Our grandmother is still alive, and we are willing to provide statements as required by the lawyers. For context, Sanjay passed away when I was one year old, and my birth certificate mentions a male child born to Sanjay. However, another detailed certificate records Vikas as my father, along with my name and my mother’s name. Could you suggest the easiest solution to resolve this step by step and complications which can occur.
Asked 2 months ago
Will it possible some how to change the owner ship status of land in tehsil records. As i said it is our family matter and we will issue statements as lawyers say and will not contest any claim.
Asked 2 months ago
Can i somehow get the adoption of me and my brother legalized in some way. It is purely our family matter and no conflicts involved. My Stepfather will not deny this, nor my grandmother. Also we have many witnessess including our gram pradhan. But officialy adoption deed was not executed.
Asked 2 months ago