Yes you can do all of the above. There is no risk as stated above
I seek legal advice regarding a case involving dishonored cheques issued by Mr. MOAMAD IQBAL KHAN. Below are the key details of the situation: 1. Loan Details: Total loaned amount: ₹6,45,000. Of this, ₹4,95,500 was transferred to Mr. Abdul Mohsin’s account as per Mr. Iqbal’s instructions, citing that his own account had active EMI deductions. Abdul Mohsin later handed over the cash to Mr. Iqbal as Abdul Mohsin was working in Iqbal place but there is proof I have. Additionally, ₹1,49,500 was handed over directly in cash to Mr. Iqbal. 2. Repayment Details: Mr. Iqbal repaid ₹1,97,000 in partial amounts from his own account to my account and one amount from his wife account to my account. Balance unpaid: ₹4,48,000. 3. Cheque Bounce: Mr. Iqbal issued two post-dated cheques: ₹2,48,000 (bounced 3 times for "Insufficient Funds"). ₹2,00,000 (expiry due in 2 months and no funds). Both cheques were taken back by Mr. Iqbal and replaced with two new cheques: Cheque No. 12345 for ₹2,48,000. Cheque No. 6789 for ₹2,00,000. Both new cheques were dishonored due to insufficient funds. 4. Evidence Available: Bank statements of transactions to Abdul Mohsin’s account. Legal affidavit with Abdul Mohsin confirming the arrangement. Copies of dishonored cheques and return memos. WhatsApp messages and potential audio recordings of Mr. Iqbal acknowledging the debt and promising repayment. Questions for Clarification: 1. How should I present the transaction details in court? Should I emphasize that: The money was transferred to Abdul Mohsin’s account (based on Mr. Iqbal’s instructions) and later handed over to him? Or state that the total amount was lent as a combination of cash and cheques directly to Mr. Iqbal? 2. What is the best approach to strengthen my case under Section 138 of the Negotiable Instruments Act, 1881, considering the evidence I have? 3. Can I include compensation for mental harassment and inconvenience caused due to his repeated defaults and dishonored cheques? 4. Is there a risk of Mr. Iqbal contesting the affidavit signed by Abdul Mohsin? If so, how should I mitigate it? I aim to resolve the matter either through repayment or legal recovery and would appreciate guidance on how to proceed.
You should state that money was transferred to Abdul Mohsin account as per written instructions of Mr Iqbal
2) state the complete facts of case in your complaint
3) he may contest the affidavit it
4) mention confirmation received by what’s app
5) get complaint drafted by good lawyer
You have a good case.
Please talk to your advocate to place effectively these evidences.
The trial has many nuances and steps. From few lines of your query it is not possible for us to guide you properly.
In 138 NI Act proceeding the reliefs are mandated by law . Therefore, you can noit claim anything more than what has been prescribed udner the Act.
Sir, apart from Sec. 138 NI Act, you need to initiate a civil suit, wherein you must invoke the provision of garnishee under Order XXI Rule 46, CPC. This way, you may bring forth the actual facts before the Hon'ble Court and possibly get a decree in your favour.
Good luck!
1. You can state the facts of all transactions and file the case accordingly against the borrower.
2. If the cheque bounce is not barred by limitation you can proceed with the cheque bounce case itself.
3. You may concentrate on the case for recovery of your money first.
4. If you have produced the original then his challenge can be nullified.
1. its always better to state the actual facts. So please say that money was transferred to Mohsin's account on Iqbal's instructions
2. issue a statutory demand notice and if money if not paid then file a 138 complaint. There is no 'best' approach as such. You just have to explore your statutory remedy.
3. yes
4. if and when he contests, that time you think. The accused can do all possible things to plead 'not guilty'. So anything can be thrown at you and you have to be prepared for it
5. as stated in 2
Dear Client,
In the first instance, it must be proved that there is a chain of events that warrants the conclusion that Mr. Iqbal was issued a loan. Stress the fact that the amount of ₹ 4, 95, 500 was transferred to the account of Abdul Mohsin’s on the specific instructions of Mr. Iqbal and Abdul Mohsin handed over the said amount to Mr. Iqbal After Abdul Mohsin had executed the said instructions. This can be substantiated by the affidavit of Abdul Mohsin and by the statements of the relevant accounts. Parallely, he was given a cash payment of 1,49,500 on that same day. In this manner, explain all authorities that Mr. Iqbal has at his disposal including but not limited to the bank statements, the affidavit, and all communication with Mr. Iqbal.
For one to make a case under Section 138 of the Negotiable Instruments Act of 1881, copies of all the dishonored cheques together with their bank return memos must form part of the documents presented. A notice of intention to sue be served to Mr. Iqbal within thirty days from the date of receiving a return cheque memo and the notice should require Mr. Iqbal to make payment within fifteen days of the notice. Such notice being received by the addressee will be evidenced by documentation. Such enablement may also be undertaken if clarification Ans. 3 is not responded to in pretty much the same manner as explained in clause note 5.
Retrieve all the WhatsApp chats, audio recordings and the bank statements regarding the exchanges where Mr Iqbal admits that he owes accumulation and guarantees to remit deposition.
As for the lack of punishment in regards to the violation of section 138, it is not the case that it bears severe consequences.
Hope you find this answer helpful in resolving the issue.
Following is the procedure …
1. Presenting Transaction Details in Court:
2. Strengthening Case Under Section 138:
3. Compensation for Harassment:
4. Risk of Iqbal Contesting the Affidavit:
5. Action Plan:
For detailed, personalized advice, consider a phone consultancy. Hope you find the information helpful. You are free to contact me for further discussion. If you could spare two minutes of your time to write a review, it would be greatly appreciated and bring immense happiness to read it. Thank you. Shubham Goyal.
1. If there is no proof of instructions to pay Abdul Mohsin on behalf of Iqbal , then You should adopt the third option
2. You should mention that the said amount was given to the Iqbal as friendly loan due to his problems.
- Further, as the said cheque is given by the Iqbal and the cheque dishonor ground is insufficient of amount in the account , then you have good case
3.Under 138 of N I Act , you can ask for the cheque amount only with the simple interest.
4. If Mohisn is ready to give affidavit that he got amount for the transfer that amount to Iqbal , then it can be a good ground