• Maharashtra Public Trust Act 1950

The recorded trustees of trust since inception did not filed any change report. Assistant Charity Commissioner under sectiion 41 A orderd the recorded trustees to hold the election. The recorded trustees are not allowing 800 members made in our tenure to vote and saying they are illegal members . What is now the status of said members and what about the membership fees collected from members ? Can we refund the same ?
Asked 3 days ago in Property Law
Religion: Sikh

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5 Answers

If members are not allowed to vote complain to charity commissioner 


2) seek court orders to direct trustees to permit the members to vote 


3) don’t refund the membership fees 

Ajay Sethi
Advocate, Mumbai
96599 Answers
7784 Consultations


Under no circumstances should you refund the membership fees 


I presume due process of law has been followed  in admitting members 

Ajay Sethi
Advocate, Mumbai
96599 Answers
7784 Consultations

Section 41A of the Maharashtra Public Trusts Act, 1950 gives the Charity Commissioner the power to issue directions to trustees and others connected with public trusts: 

To ensure that the trust is properly administered

To ensure that the income is accounted for and used for the trust's purposes 

To prevent trust property from being wasted, damaged, alienated, wrongfully sold, removed, or disposed of.

Section 41A of the B.P.T. Act, 1950 gives ancillary or additional powers to the Charity Commissioner to suppress the apprehended mischief to the property and income of the Trust and also in the administration of the Trust. Such a power also exists on judicial side in Section 41E of the B.P.T. Act, 1950.

The members can appoint an authorized representative on their behalf to represent them and  lodge a complaint and pursue the matter legally with the charity commissioner or court of law on the basis of evidences for the payment of membership fees and seek legal intervention against the arbitrary and illegal or wrong decisions taken by the trustees in this regard. 

T Kalaiselvan
Advocate, Vellore
86800 Answers
2322 Consultations

The members have paid the fees for membership with the belief that they are ,members hence they should fight against the trustees for this unjustified and illegal actions against the members legally.

You may consult a local lawyer and proceed legally as suggested 

T Kalaiselvan
Advocate, Vellore
86800 Answers
2322 Consultations


- If the recorded trustees did not filed a change report and there is an order from the Assistant Charity Commissioner to hold elections, it raises questions about the validity of the recorded trustees' claims.

- Further, the legitimacy of the 800 members made during your tenure may depend on the trust’s bylaws.

- Further, if the Assistant Charity Commissioner has ordered for election, then it clear that all eligible members have the right to vote.

- Further, if the recorded trustees claim that the 800 members are illegal, then they can take legal action .

- Further, as the membership of the 800 individuals is valid as per the order of Assistant Charity Commissioner under section 41A, then  you may not need to refund the fees.


Mohammed Shahzad
Advocate, Delhi
14335 Answers
219 Consultations

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