- As per law, extra marital affairs is a ground for divorce , hence if you have evidence with you about her said affairs with another man then you can get decree of divorce , even if she set aside the ex-parte decree.
- Further, under the Guardian and Ward Act, , the welfare of the child as the paramount importance, like ethical upbringing of the child, Safe-keeping of the child, Good education , and economic well-being of the guardian.
- Under Hindu law, A mother usually gets custody of the minor child, under the age of 5 and fathers get custody of older boys, but it is not a strict rule and is primarily decided based on the child’s interests.
- The choice of a child above the age of nine is considered, and further a mother who is proven to neglect or ill-treat the child is not given custody.
- Since, she is a drug addict and was in relation with another person , then she cannot get the custody of the child legally
- You can file a custody petition before the Court for getting custody of the child.