• Money and cylinder recovery from a client

I have a lpg distribution business. I supply 19k and 47.5 kg commercial cylinders to a client who uses that to make oxygen cylinders.

I last sent him a shipment in Jan2024 and after that I have stopped supplying shipments to that company.

The client owes me 110 - 19kg cylinders and 100 - 47.5 kg cylinders and the dues amount of 170000. He has paid the rest of money.
It has been 5 months that he has not paid the same - till now.
Now he has stopped picking up my calls and replies to me in a rude way trying to linger the whole situation. Because of his dues in amount and cylinder, now the OMCs are charging me rentals to keep the commercial cylinders and that costs me 20000 every month. What should i do in this situation? And i urge anyone to help me here with writing a notice If possible 

Asked 2 months ago in Civil Law

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5 Answers

1)issue legal notice to client to pay your outstanding dues 


2) if he fails file suit to recover your dues with interest 


3) you can also file complaint of cheating and criminal breach of trust against client 

Ajay Sethi
Advocate, Mumbai
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Send legal notice to him. can contact for same and if you have executed any agreement for supply of cylinder, share that as well. 

Yogendra Singh Rajawat
Advocate, Jaipur
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You have to resort to legal action to recover your money by first issuing a legal notice to the client/customer.

If you are not able to send a legal notice you can contact any local advocate and issue a legal notice as per the situation. 

If he is not responding then you can escalate the matter through court of law with a suit for recovery of money .

If he is indulging in any criminal activities against you then you can very well lodge a criminal complaint against him with the local police station too.

T Kalaiselvan
Advocate, Vellore
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Dear Client,

Send a legal notice to the client demanding payment of the dues and return of the cylinders. Ensure the notice is sent via registered post with acknowledgment due, so you have proof of delivery. Keeping detailed records of all communications and expenses related to this issue can help you in court. If the client does not respond to the legal notice, you can file a suit for recovery of the dues and the cylinders in the appropriate court. Since you are incurring rental charges due to the client's delay, you can also claim these costs as damages in your suit. Engage a lawyer who specializes in commercial disputes to help you with all the legal proceedings. To draft a legal notice for your issue, you can also contact us. Should you require any further explanation, please do not hesitate to contact us.


Anik Miu
Advocate, Bangalore
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- You can send a legal demand notice for getting those payment with interest 

- Further, you can send the said notice copy of the OMC as well for giving the reasons of withholding the cylinders by the said company. 

- Further, you can also lodge a complaint before the police for cheating and breach of trust . 

Mohammed Shahzad
Advocate, Delhi
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