• Pagdi tenant rights to buy another property

Can pagdi tenant buy another property of full ownership in the same city by taking housing loan? Is there any risk of losing the existing pagdi property tenancy of doing this?
Asked 2 months ago in Property Law
Religion: Hindu

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6 Answers

You should not buy another property while being a tenant as your landlord will file an eviction suit if you have another flat in your name 

Ajay Sethi
Advocate, Mumbai
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- If you will buy another property even on the loan in your name in the same city , then the landlord can file an eviction suit on the ground of bonafide requirement. 

- You can loose your existing pagdi property tenancy. 

Mohammed Shahzad
Advocate, Delhi
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The pagdi tenant is not restricted from purchasing another proeprty by a registered sale deed in the same city or elsewhere. He will not lose his tenancy rights in the pagdi rented proeprty just because he purchased another property.

However you maintain confidentiality about this new proeprty to avoid the landlord unnecessarily harassing you by filing an eviction suit to evict you from the pagdi property

T Kalaiselvan
Advocate, Vellore
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Dear Client,

As a pagdi tenant, you have the right to own property, including buying another property in the same city. There is no legal restriction that prevents you from purchasing property while being a pagdi tenant. You can take a housing loan to buy another property. The bank will evaluate your financial capacity to repay the loan, but this has no bearing on your existing tenancy rights under the pagdi system. Owning another property in the same city does not directly lead to losing your pagdi tenancy. However, it is crucial to comply with all terms of your tenancy agreement and ensure you do not violate any conditions that might lead to eviction, such as misuse of the property. Should you require any further clarification, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Anik Miu
Advocate, Bangalore
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there is no such restriction

as long as you would be using the pagdi property and would not keep it closed or shut for a continuous period of 6 months, there is no problem

if you do not use the pagdi premises for more than 6 months then the landlord would get a right to evict you on the ground of non-user

Yusuf Rampurawala
Advocate, Mumbai
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There is no relation with buying a new property on ownership basis and the property owned in the pagdi system building. 


So you do not have to worry about taking loan and buying another property. There is no Risk.


For more details you can please take paid consultancy.

If you are satisfied with the reply, kindly give me a 5 star rating.

Arunkumar Khedia
Advocate Bombay Highcourt.

Arunkumar Khedia
Advocate, Mumbai
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