1) before purchase of flat did you not ask seller to produce original documents ?
2) you ought to have exercised due diligence before parting with Rs 10 lakhs .
3) the financier should on repayment of flat loan return the original documents of the flat .
4) the loan in respect of land has been taken by wife and separate agreement has been entered into by the wife .
5) the terms of loan agreement signed by seller with the financier has to be seen .
6) in the vent financier refuses to release flat original documents inspite of repayment of loan seller can drag him to consumer forum for deficiency in service and seek release of its documents
7) please cross check whether seller has acted as guarantor of the loan taken by wife .
8) ask financier to give in writing reasons for refusal to return flat documents inspite of repayment of loan .
9) you can with seller consent pay off the financier directly for release of flat documents