• Queries related to West Bengal Apartment Ownership Act 1972

My Apartment is registered under West Bengal Apartment Ownership Act 1972. My queries are listed below 

1) We had an election recently and as per bye-laws, maximum 48 Managers can be in the board. 66 members formed nominations and 47 were elected, but there was a tie for the 48th Manager between 3 members. Election committee is not taking responsibility to resolve this issues as per the guidelines set in the SGM, and the board is being formed and office bearers are elected and board has started functioning without giving the democratic right to the 48th Manager. Is it legally valid ?
 Can the Election Committee members frame their own guidelines and conduct elections which was not passed in the SGM 

2) We have a registered Association which collects cam and take care of day to day maintenance under West Bengal Apartment Ownership Act'1972. We need to celebrate cultural events. Do we need to get this Cultural committee registered under the society act and go ahead or can out Association collect funds for cultural activities and go ahead.

3) Does a member have the right to go to accounts office and inspect the books of accounts on day to day basis giving prior intimation to the board. Or does the member have a right to only inspect the audited statement of accounts.
Name: Vishal Grover
Email: [deleted]
Phone: [deleted]
Location: Kolkata, West Bengal
Asked 2 months ago in Constitutional Law

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14 Answers

Election of 47 members is valid 


2) as far as 48 th candidate elections complain to registrar if procedure has not been followed 


3) cultural committee cannot be rejected under societies act as association registered under apartment act 


4) you have right to inspect books of accounts after giving prior notice 

Ajay Sethi
Advocate, Mumbai
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Procedure for conducting elections is laid down in bye laws adopted by association 


2) if bye laws are silent then EC should follow resolution passed by SGM 



3) there is generally election officer appointed for conducting elections 


4) if inspection of books is not given complain to registrar 


5) cultural committee is sub committee formed by AGM resolution .it cannot collect funds for cultural activities if prohibited under provisions of apartment act of your state 

Ajay Sethi
Advocate, Mumbai
96030 Answers
7714 Consultations

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Do it on voluntary basis 


voluntary contribution 


dont raise it on bill 


give receipts 


Ajay Sethi
Advocate, Mumbai
96030 Answers
7714 Consultations

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Ask the companies to bear expenses for organising cultural programmes and agree to keep the banners of companies for advertising purposes 

Ajay Sethi
Advocate, Mumbai
96030 Answers
7714 Consultations

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- As per bye-law 5 of the West Bengal Apartment Ownership Act, (1) There shall be a Board of Managers in respect of each Association to carry on and manage the affairs and business of the Association and to exercise all such powers of the Association as are not required to be exercised by the Association in a general meeting.

(2)The number of Managers of a Board shall be equal to one-third of the number of the apartment owners of the property concerned but in no case it shall be less than three or more than twenty-four.

- Since, there is a tie for the 48th Manager between 3 members, then it is the responsibility of the Election Committee to resolve the said issues , and the said members having right to lodge a complaint against the formation of the society before the Registrar. 

- Further, the election committee cannot go beyond the SGM.

Mohammed Shahzad
Advocate, Delhi
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Thank for your appreciation 


We are unable to seek replies of other advocates hence cannot comment on the same 

Ajay Sethi
Advocate, Mumbai
96030 Answers
7714 Consultations

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Dear Client,

1. The board's functioning with out resolving the tie for the 48th Manager can be legally invalid as all participants must have their democratic rights upheld. The Election Committee need to comply with guidelines set within the SGM, now not create their personal.

2. The registered Association underneath the West Bengal Apartment Ownership Act, 1972, can acquire price range and prepare cultural events with out registering a separate Cultural Committee under the Society Act.

3. Members have the right to investigate books of accounts with earlier notice, no longer just audited statements. If denied, enhance the difficulty to the suitable legal or regulatory authority. For sponsorships, the Cultural Committee may be registered under the Society Act, get a PAN card, and a bank account, making sure transparency and legality in fund collection with out raising payments.

Anik Miu
Advocate, Bangalore
9754 Answers
113 Consultations

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1. The Election committee has not declared the election of the 48th member hence it has to follow the guidelines for conducting the elections as prescribed in the bylaws of the association or the act itself, any deviation to existing procedure can be termed as invalid and illegal. 

The Competent Authority can take action based on its own initiative or on the complaint of any person. There is no statutory requirement for the complaints to be forwarded by the Association or the majority of its members.

A complaint against the negligent attitude of the election committee can be made before the competent authority.

2.  The proposed cultural committee cannot be a part of the apartment owners association, there are no bylaws or provisions in the act to accommodate a registered body in the name of cultural committee.

If at all the members are desirous of having cultural programs within the association,  resolution has to be passed in an extra or special meeting of the association to facilitate organizing of the proposed cultural activities and this can be only a temporary permission and momentary provided it has the support of the majority of embers in the meeting.

3.  Every member of the association is having a right to inspect the books of accounts held by the association by giving prior notice to the secretary/treasurer for this purpose.










T Kalaiselvan
Advocate, Vellore
86230 Answers
2289 Consultations

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The Election committee has to follow the guidelines for conducting the elections as prescribed in the bylaws of the association or the act itself, any deviation to existing procedure can be termed as invalid and illegal. A complaint against the negligent attitude of the election committee can be made before the competent authority.


Section 16-B of the Act empowers the Competent Authority to investigate and take action if the Board of Managers or Manager of an Association fails to perform its functions under the Act or Bye-Laws, and this is detrimental to the interests of the Association, apartment owners, or against public interest....

The cultural activities are not part of the functions of the apartment owners association as prescribed in the bylaws or the act. 


However it can function as a separate entity outside the apartment complex and it can have its own bank account and also can decide about its own modus operandi. 








T Kalaiselvan
Advocate, Vellore
86230 Answers
2289 Consultations

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Since the conduct of the cultural activities is not the part of the apartment owners association, the group of members who are interested to conduct such cultural activities have to arrange the collection of funds and the mode of celebration of the activity accordingly without involving the association.

T Kalaiselvan
Advocate, Vellore
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2289 Consultations

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The cultural activities is a private activity of a group of members of the association, hence they may organise the activities in the manner that was decided by their committee for this purpose and they can issue a receipt to the sponsors under their committee letter head accordingly.    



T Kalaiselvan
Advocate, Vellore
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2289 Consultations

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In a similar situation, The Calcutta High court in Deepak Agarwal v. State of W.B., 2023 SCC OnLine Cal 3561, order dated [deleted] decided and held that 

The Court held that the Competent Authority has the duty to conduct a preliminary inquiry into the complaints raised by the petitioner regarding the alleged irregularities in the functioning of the Association and its Board of Managers. The Competent Authority must form an opinion under Section 16B(2) of the Act to determine if a show-cause notice is needed for the Manager/Board of Managers...

You may  peruse the above judgement  and pursue the mater accordingly. 

T Kalaiselvan
Advocate, Vellore
86230 Answers
2289 Consultations

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- Since, as per bye-laws, the maximum 48 Managers can be in the board, it means the declaration of extra name is not mandatory. 

- Further, association by-laws and resolutions must be limited to the mandate of governing the association/society’s affairs and nothing more.

-  Further, if there is no resolution for the  programs , then it even not needed , as the association cannot implement such resolution in AGM/SGM and put contributing any money on all members, who are not interested to participate in the program. 

- Hence, if majority of members are  ready for the said program, then you can collect the fund even without the approval of the association. 

- All members have the right to inspect records, book of accounts and to get the certified copies of the same by giving prior notice to the Management Committee.

Mohammed Shahzad
Advocate, Delhi
14028 Answers
211 Consultations

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You need to raise bill or any other proof for the same

Prashant Nayak
Advocate, Mumbai
32301 Answers
191 Consultations

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