Dear Client,
Generally, every school has its own rules and norms on fee charges and T.C. issues. However, here are some points to consider:
School Policy: Check the policy of the school or read the agreement signed when enrolling the child. Depending on the terms and conditions of the agreement, it may have clauses related to the fee payment and other terms on which T. C. will be issued.
Negotiation: However, there are situations when the policy may be vague or something you consider unfair might be stated in it. There is usually an option to discuss the policy with the management of the school, stating your position and that your son did not attend any classes.
Legal Rights: Indian law is quite fair to those who seek education; it requires that educational institutions be reasonable. If you think that the school is violating the law, you might consult an advocate or go to the office of education in your area for assistance.
Documentation: Ensure that you maintain any correspondence with the school and/or any other supporting documentation for your request or claim (example: absence of your son during the term).