Divorce / annulment time in short non-consummated marriage
I got married earlier this year via arranged marriage route. We stayed together for 25 days.
My question is how much time will take us to separate ? We are thinking of getting divorce amicably. But one lawyer said this process will take at least 2 years !!
But we are wondering if there is chance we might get annulment, if we go via mental cruelty route ? The same lawyer said it will still take 2 years...
She had bipolar/borderline disorder .
I knew of this, but had no idea of severity of her mental condition. Those 25 days were torture for me. She also had other issues that she hid from me. I ignored all those.. but they eroded my trust.
We never had sex. I was under a lot of stress, half our days were spent fighting, she also had hygiene issues. But mostly it was her paranoia/anger issues.
Towards the end She wrote a whatsapp message to my family accusing me being impotent. I had gotten tests, met Dr, who said I was potent. I also did ejaculate several times on her body as well.
She also wrote other things that were false, like that I never got intimate, I have proof of this being false. videos, her own words etc.
Also several whatsapp chat examples of her being 'cruel'
In another mail, she also wrote a a scathing criticism of my mother. It was very silly. My mother didn't do anything wrong, not even a tiny thing. The letter only contained text like "your mother must be happy to see us fight"
. "she didn't smile, when I praised her" etc.
Also have a letter where she was sort of confessing " I am cruel, I am a criminal" etc.
Should we go for 'mental cruelty' or amicable divorce ? I prefer amicable, but 2 years is sooo long. I am already in my late 30s .. Would annulment be faster ?
Thank you !
Asked 11 months ago in Family Law
Religion: Hindu
Thank you all ! May I ask a few follow up questions.
1. Annulment: How harmful is this 'relative impotence' tag for the man, in case of annulment ? Do courts grant it rarely? I am not sure how we can prove it..
2. Judicial separation: After 1 year has elapsed after filing judicial separation, how much time will it take to convert into divorce ? Is there some kind of 6 month cooling off period ?
3. Mutual consent: How likely do you think I'll get the waive off of a) 1 year wait to file divorce b) 6 month cooling of period
Asked 11 months ago