1. The complaint under DV Act can be heard by the First class Magistrate , and may be due to a settlement only the case has been transfer to the CJM.
- If both the parties are agree for a settlement and divorce, then you can take mutual divorce on the ground of Mubarat or Khula.
- The court can direct both the parties to take divorce as per Muslim law out of the court in the presence of two witnesses.
- However, if matter not settled then a divorce petition can be filed before the family court for getting even Mutual divorce.
2. On settlement generally payment through cheque not accepted , and hence you will have to pay the amount via DD or NEFT
3. Better fixed amount in the name of daughter
4. This depends upon the settlement , however any jewelers items received by the woman at the time of marriage is considered as her STRIDHAN and the husband has no right to claim over the same.