You need NOC from your organisation to apply for migrant visa
2) Australian immigration would require NOC before they issue you visa
Sir, I work as an Engineer at Govt. undertaking Corporation (PSU) in Puducherry. I am planning to apply for skilled migrant visa for Australia. Do the Australian immigration require Noc before issuance of Visa? Is it possible for me to ask NOC to my office as per law to apply for migrant visa? Kindly help
What are the legal options available to me to apply NOC for applying skilled migrant visa as per law?
You need NOC from your organisation to apply for migrant visa
2) Australian immigration would require NOC before they issue you visa
There is no requirement to obtain NOC by Australian immigration for applying for skilled migrant visa to Australia.
The demand for skilled workers in Australia is high. Both academic and (even more so) trade occupations are in high demand and have good prospects for obtaining an Australian visa.
Qualified professionals in particular are offered visa subclasses based on a points-tested basis, as these often lead to a permanent residency with a work permit. The points-test-based visa subclass is an interesting option for qualified workers because these are predominantly permanent visas.
This visa is available for individuals with specific qualifications and experience. The Australian Government analyses the future demand for skilled workers and publishes the relevant occupations on the Skilled Occupations Lists.
A skills assessment is required prior to application for this visa. An assessing authority assesses whether the individual’s qualifications are applicable and relevant to the occupation in question.
For this particular visa subclass, eligible skilled workers are in demand Australia-wide. As such, the Australian Government grants applicants permanent residency status immediately without certain residency and workplace requirements. This visa comes with a maximum of flexibility and freedom.
The most important visa requirements at a glance:
Visa validity and essential visa conditions:
Thus there is no requirement for NOC from Australian point of view.
If you want to quit the job here in India, you may have to follow the conditions of the employment.
But there is no necessity to obtain NOC from your employer to migrate to Australia on a skilled immigrant visa.
Dear client, as you are a govt. employee, you need to submit NOC from your employer to get the visa.
- As per the Ministry of External Affairs, No government servant should apply for or seek emigration to any other country so long as he is in Government service, and hence the question of issuing ‘No Objection Certificate’ to a government servant, who wishes to migrate to a foreign country, therefore, does not arise.
- Hence, during the tenure of working in govt. undertaking you cannot get NOC for even applying the migrant visa.
- However, you can travel abroad after getting NOC .