Money laundering through real estate is one of the most widely utilized methods among the several that are utilized. The high value of real estate transactions is frequently used by criminals as a justification for their illicit gains.
2) in present case selling UG and PG seats in management quota and buying property with major black component would be money laundering
3) Property and records can be seized, frozen, and attached, even property acquired via illegal Any individual found guilty of money laundering faces a minimum sentence of three years in jail and a maximum sentence of seven years in prison.
4) Money laundering is defined as the process through which an illegal fund, such as black money, is obtained from illegal activities and disguised as legal money, eventually portrayed as white money. The money laundered is passed on through various channels or phases of conversions and transfers to make it legal and eventually reach a legally acceptable institution, like a bank.
5) repayment schedule can be a bonafide mistake by the NBFC and when confronted it has been rectified . extra money collected should be refunded to customer