1. not sharing the documents may backfire against the society/its committee. You have not disclosed in your query as to why you do no want to show the requested documents to the concerned member. you incur a liability of being disqualified under s.154b-23(iii)
2. s.75(5) which contains the disqualification provision for not calling an AGM is made applicable to housing societies vide s.154B(1). So the consequences cannot be avoided. You will be debarred for 5 years
3. this needs more context and background. there are provisions in the Act for expelling such a member. but what exactly has happened, nothing is stated in your query
it appears that in the past you had posted a query on this platform posing yourself as a member and now the present query is posted as a member of MC
There is more than meets the eye in the manner in which queries are being posted here.