Your name as father should be XYZ Kumar in child birth certificate
only name in aadhar should be changed as per other documents
Dear Lawyers, I am in huge dilemma My name is XYZ. The name on marksheet and leaving certificate reads, XYZkumar. When I was issued aadhar card, for some reason, It was changed to XYZbhai I prefer it xyzbhai because to have kumar is not something i prefer. I do not have birth certificate. I am 31 year old. I am going to be father soon. Should my kid's father name will too be written as xyzkumar if I decide to make it uniform across all my document? Or should I change my all documents to match with aadhar card name i.e. xyzbhai? I am not willing to go hassel of name change, affidavit, etc. but I am all ears for suggestion on this matter. Thank you
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Your name as father should be XYZ Kumar in child birth certificate
only name in aadhar should be changed as per other documents
- As per law, you cannot change the name which is mentioned in the educational certificates after maximum two years from the date of passing the said education.
- However, you can change the name in the documents like Aadhar etc.
- Further, if you don't have birth certificate , then you can get the same from the office of the birth registrar after submitting the identity and address proofs from last 31 years.
- Further, it depend upon you which you want to continue , and to given in the name education of your kids.
Will I ever need name as per 10th marksheet? I am thinking to make my name uniform across all documents so as to meet with my name as per on aadhar card, which is xyzbhai. I have thta name on aadhar card, i can get all other documents changed based on aadhar card. But if I ever need to share my 10th marksheet anywhere, it will create problem. So, is there really anything that requires 10th marksheet document proof? if not, I already have the name i need on aadhar since 2011, i can easily get all other documents changed based on aadhar card. But if I ever need to share my 10th marksheet anywhere, it will create problem. I hope this information helps you answer it better.
School leaving certificate is an important document
2) name should be as per school leaving certificate
Without following change of name process it will be possible for you to get your name changed in all the papers and documents.
The change of name process is not a hassle.
It is a necessary requirement.
If you are required to produce 10th mark sheet anywhere the mismatch of name will certainly cause you trouble
Dear client, It's important to maintain consistency in your legal documents to avoid potential issues in the future. While the name on your 10th marksheet may not be required frequently, there could be situations where you need to provide it as a form of identification or proof. To avoid any complications, you may consider changing your name on your Aadhar card to match your 10th marksheet (XYZkumar) or explore the possibility of legally changing your name to a new one (XYZbhai or any other preference) uniformly across all documents. This may involve some paperwork, but it can help you avoid complications later on, especially when dealing with official or government documents