you have no knowledge? i dont think so
it appears you know more than the advocates and thats a good thing in a way
its good to be aware about the law...that will reduce the burden on the Courts if citizens know the law, so that for breach of that law, the Court will not have to spend its time to undo the wrong which is done without authority of the law
it is the parties choice before which forum they want to settle their disputes
such settlement [also interchangeably referred to as a compromise] can happen between the parties either before the court before which the parties' matter is pending or the settlement can also happen 'out of court', that is before the Lok Adalat
here during the pendency of the appeal the matter got referred to the lok adalat and there the parties settled their disputes without any efforts put by the lok adalat
so the settlement, even though it happened before the lok adalat [which is not a court], is still an 'out of court' settlement
out of court settlement means a settlement that happens between the parties without the intervention of the court
in your case that is what precisely happened
the settlement happened 'out of court' before the Lok Adalat
so if 21/2 has any application as per you, then the DH was required to certify such 'adjustment of decree' and the executing court was required to 'record' the said adjustment
if none of the above happened, i.e. certification by DH and recording by EC, then the rigors of Rule 3 of O.21 would get triggered and the said adjustment would not be recognised by the EC
21/2 is amended and now has within its fold all sorts of decrees and not merely money decrees. this is my prima facie view because the title below O.21 despite the 1976 amendment still stays 'payment under decrees'