Petroleum And Minerals Pipelines (Acquisition Of Right Of User In Land) Act,1962
In 2009 an underground pipeline carrying natural gas (it is a 1375 km pipeline traversing from Andhra Pradesh in the east to Gujrat in the west) was laid under the aforementioned Act, the company revealed that the Right of Way for the 1.2-metre diameter pipeline is 30 metres (23 metres on the right and 7 metres on the left in the direction of the laid pipeline). This pipeline passes through a narrow strip of land I have, which I bought to gain access to my lands in 2002 which are in the interior landscape. This road in the narrow strip of land is the only way possible to have access to my other lands. According to the PMP Act,1962, the pipe laying company staff in 2009 intimated that other than building a house, excavating wells and ponds, and planting a tree other than that I can build an access road in future. But Now when I am laying a paved road on that strip of land the pipeline company is objecting to it. I questioned them, that his pipeline traverses through many Roads, highways, bridges etc. How come I am not allowed to lay a parallel access road to the pipeline of just 100 metres in my land? But company staff is adamant and is saying they will serve court notice if I lay the road. Am I allowed to lay a road in the Right of Way of pipeline?
Asked 1 year ago in Civil Law
While laying the pipeline, the local landowners in vicinity had intense negotiations with the company. So after a few weeks, the company came up with an alternative proposal of making the re-alignment of the pipeline. This new route of pipeline consisted of taking it through adjoining land boundaries of respective multiple landowners to reduce the loss due to Right of way. Also, the company reduced the Right of Way (RoW) to 10 meters and also gave compensation for only 10 meters instead of 30 meters specifically to local landowners there as many were in disagreement. Additionally, the compensation amount was also increased.
Due to this realignment of the new route, the pipeline was passing through the narrow strip of land I possessed which I generally use for accessing internal lands. I protested and told them I am not okay with the new alignment and vouched for the old alignment as I may lose access to my lands. But I was told in the 1962 act there is no clause for not building a road. So I could build in the future. Additionally, on the right side of the pipeline, the RoW is supposed to be 23 meters, but no landowners in the area were given any notification or compensation in the right side of pipeline, only left side were given and RoW their side in 10 metres.
One last thing, to access all these mentioned lands including mine needs to pass through a 100 ft road which is in the 2031 master plan of Telangana Govt. This 100' ft road is 1m away on top of the underground pipeline and runs parallel to it for about half a km. This specific road is being used by all commuters for the last 10 years.
When I met the local pipeline in charge, he told me that they are giving permissions with some specific conditions to landowners to cross the pipeline with a road but perpendicular to the pipeline.
My request is, please advise me what I can do in the current situation as I need to make a parallel road to the pipeline to access my lands.
Asked 1 year ago
The compensation of 10% of land government value was calculated back then. Many of my land neighbors back then protested that this pipeline would deny them access from their one piece of land to another. But in 2009 all company officials ascertained that road can be built, as the pipeline is at sufficient depth of more then 5ft. But there is no written proof of this and now company officials are saying road cannot be laid.
I requested them to please enlighten me as to which act is it mentioned so, as according to the 1962 act, building, excavating ponds, or drilling borewells and planting trees is not allowed. Even in PNGRB Act, 2006, under regualtion
"Petroleum and Natural Gas Regulatory Board (Technical Standards and Specifications including Safety Standards for Petroleum and Petroleum Products Pipelines) Regulations, 2016.
its mentioned, When an existing pipeline is to be crossed by a new road or railroad, the operating
company shall analyze the pipeline in the area to be crossed in terms of the new anticipated
external loads. If the sum of the circumferential stresses caused by internal pressure and newly
imposed external loads (including both live and dead loads) exceeds 0.90 SMYS (specified
minimum yield strength), the operating company shall install mechanical reinforcement,
structural protection, or suitable pipe to reduce the stress to 0.90 SMYS or less, or redistribute
the external load acting on the pipeline. API 1102 provided methods that may be used to
determine the total stress caused by internal pressure and external loads.
The issue is due to the re-alignment of the pipeline in favor of other landowners, I am losing access to my internal lands as the current unpaved path intended for a road is directly above the underground pipeline.
The pipeline incharge, at that time after getting my sign on agreements, stopped responding and I requested multiple times for handing over agreements after company sign but he didnt.
Asked 1 year ago