• Maximum punishment in Criminal 420 IPC case..

I want to know :-

What is the maximum punishment in criminal case @ 420 IPC? The case is related to house/property fraud... ..money was taken as Amanat and returned back on demand (Receipt on stamp paper of Rs. 25/- and notarised by oath commissioner). But complainant knowingly denying about the receipt of money and mentioning it as a mare receipt for skin saving.... Can she deny the receipt on notarised stamp-paper? 

If a person sell his property at Rs. 8.00 lacs (sales deed), then can he claim it as Rs. 26.00 Lacs, without any evidences? Just for the sake of FIR @ 420?
Asked 11 years ago in Criminal Law

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3 Answers

Offence u/s 420 IPC is non bailable and attract imprisonment up to 7 years. U contest the case on the basis of that receipt and go the High Court for quashing of FIR.

Soumya Kundu
Advocate, Kolkata
86 Answers

Maximum Punishment in a case of 420 is 7 years with fine or without fine.

A duly notarised stamp paper is a valid document and by an evidence of the Oath commissioner, its legal validity can be proved in the court of law if the other party is denying execution of the same.

is the sale deed registered or notarised?

Shaveta Sanghi
Advocate, Chandigarh
914 Answers
111 Consultations

1. Cheating is the offence u/s420 which is non bailable attracting 7 years imprisonment and fine,

2. Receipt issued on a notarised stamp paper has adequate validity,

3. If you have evidence that whatever was mentioned in the sale deed has been admittedly paid, then file a petition before the High Court to qyash the said FIR.

Krishna Kishore Ganguly
Advocate, Kolkata
27538 Answers
726 Consultations

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