The suit was filed by an unregistered society. The oral evidence was led accordingly by plaintiff in capacity of chief promoter. No documentary evidence was filed to prove that the suit was filed by unregistered society but whatever the documentary evidence were filed by plaintiff chief promoter was contradictory to his oral submissions. After recording the evidence the TC, held the Agreenent for sale and further transactions in individual capacity of plaintiff. However, instead of dismissing suit considering the plaintiff is unregistered society, the Court decreed the suit in favour of plaintiff.
Appeal filed by aggrieved defendant challenging the individual capacity as held in finding but the said appeal was disposed off for non-prosecution. Thus the decree reached finality.
The said decree was filed for execution mentioning two alternative prayers (1) the sale deed be executed as per the Agreement for sale, [wherein the cause title stands in plaintif's name followed by capacity and name of unregistered society]. (2) the sale deed be executed in individual capacity of plaintiff by omitting the name of Society from cause title, as held In judgment by the TC holding Agreement for sale and all transactions occured thereafter purely of plaintiff in his individual capacity and in between him and defendant alone and Not on behalf of Society.
As per JD's objection, the suit was decree in favour of Society and not in individual capacity, hence cannot be executed individually.
It is pertinent to note that All members who were in that Society, terminated their right and interest acquired in Agreement for sale and Suit property in a illegal settlement made out of Court in between Org. Def and other persons, during the lis pendency. Considering the termination now the plaintiff alone remaining in that unregistered Society as a member and as a chief promoter or only litigant in individual capacity.
the question in pursuance of above brief please reply to :
"Whether prayers are correct as mentioned in Execution Petition (please ref Para 2 above) or require any specific amendment?
Whether decree is enforceable considering the error of Trial Court, either on Law or on Fact?
Asked 2 years ago in Civil Law