• Sudden relieving from job

I was working in a real estate company from January 2007 to March 2014.my work was well appreciated by the company & there I got 3 promotions time to time & there was not a single case of any complaint.on 20 th march evening after closing of office hours time I was relieved suddenly on 20 th itself without mentioning any reason but only refering the clause of appointment letter where it was written that the services can be terminate by giving one month advance salary only.now I want to ask that can I challange my sudden relieving from job on ground of natural justice or by any other way.
Asked 10 years ago in Labour

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2 Answers

I understand that you were a confirmed employee. Have they paid you one month Notice salary? if yes have you accepted or not. Anyway you must give them a legal notice and then challenge your illegal termination in Delhi. Feel free to call.

S.P. Srivastava
Advocate, New Delhi
703 Answers
13 Consultations

1. We still do not have hire and fire policy in our Country like Western Countries but our law and procedure is not at all employee/labour friendly,

2. You can file a complaint before the labour commissioner for illegaly relieving you,

3. The mention in the appointment letter that only Delhi Court will have the jurisdiction to lhear any litigation will not be acceptable by Jaipur Court since that clause is illegal made by the Company staying in a dominating position,

Krishna Kishore Ganguly
Advocate, Kolkata
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