• Difference between Settlement Aadharam and Dhana Nischayam


I am from Kerala.  Recently my father has written our ancestral house in my name. In the document it is specified as "Dhana Nischayam".

My father got this property from his mother.  The document which writes the property to my fathers name specifies it as "Settlement Aadharam".  

The vendor who wrote the document was mentioning that both "Settlement Aadharam" and "Dhana Nischayam" are both same.  Can you please let me know if there is any difference between the two..

Asked 10 years ago in Property Law

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2 Answers

Dhana nischayam literally means commitment of wealth by one person to another by way of a Gift. in the present case has given his share in property to you by means of gift .

Aadharam It is a document written by an authorized licensee in a stamp paper as per the value of land and registered in registrar office about the transaction made to a property. It can be a will, or a transaction. It includes the area, boundaries and sketch about a particular piece of land.

please contact a local lawyer in this regard

Ajay Sethi
Advocate, Mumbai
97624 Answers
7902 Consultations

1. "Settlement Aadharam" is the document by which your father's ownership in the said property has been established,

2. "Dhana Nischayam" is the Gift Deed conveying the property in your favour.

Krishna Kishore Ganguly
Advocate, Kolkata
27533 Answers
726 Consultations

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