• Regarding Marriage

Good evening sir.I am a 26 yrs old lady from Hyderabad and i have completed my M,tech and working at DRDO on contract basis.I have loved a Hindu Brahmin guy who is working in central government sector,we both prefer to marry with our family blessings and from last one year we are struggling to convince our parents.Boy parents have agreed to our marriage on condition that I have to convert into Hindu and i have no problem for that condition.My side my parents are against this due to fear of society and respect issues.Now problem is we need time for marriage to convince them once again.Meanwhile my parents are House arresting me and taking me back to my home town and if i say i want to build my career my parents say we dont want u to work u sit at home no one are dependent on your earnings.They have house arrested me two times one week once in february and second time one month from March 28-April 28.I sumhow managed to come back to my job and again they are forcing me to go back home and now my queries are
1.Do i have right to do job though my parents are not willing and if so how i have to proceed
2.I need sometime to marry and till that can i do job.Does law favors me in this aspect
3.Is marriage act same for all religions and is it valid as per law a Muslim marrying a Hindu
4.My dad always says m his child and he have told rights on me an i have to live as per his wish and no one have right to question him even though he beats me or kill me.Doesnt i have right to choose life partner in whom m confident that my life will be safe and happy
5.Is honour killing so easy
please advice me sir,your advice will be great help to me and thanks in advance
Asked 10 years ago in Family Law
Religion: Muslim

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5 Answers

Being Indian citizen you have all the rights and freedom to live life, to do job, to marry of your choice.Law is with you. First your parents can not put you under home arrest.You can give complaint to police if police do not take any action file petition under DV Act for protection and prohibitory orders against them. You are major have right to marry of your liking. You can marry him under Special Marriage Act. Feel free to call.

S.P. Srivastava
Advocate, New Delhi
703 Answers
13 Consultations

1) you have right to select your partner in life . you are adult and free to marry whom soever you please

2) your father cannot force you to act as per his whims and fancies . if he is forcing you to stay at home you have liberty of filing complaint with local police station . you cannot be denied right to work if you so desire

3) you can also lodge complaint with national or state commission of women .

4) you both can marry under provisions of special marriage act wherein both can retain their own religion .

5) honour killing is a serious offence and your father would be behind bars if he resorts to such a step

Ajay Sethi
Advocate, Mumbai
97608 Answers
7901 Consultations

1. You are adult person. You have fundamental right to choose and carry o your job. Nobody including your parents can restrain you from doing this.

2. To choose your life partner is also your legal right and you can seek protection of law if you are restrained from doing so .

3.Yes, you can register marriage under Special Marriage Act which is permissible for marrying between two inter-religions.

4. Your father has no more any right over you and whatever is saying the illegal for which he can be brought to books.

5. Definitely not. On the contrary the courts are very strict against this heinous crime. If you seek legal recourse the court may direct arrest of offending persons and provide you necessary police protection.

Devajyoti Barman
Advocate, Kolkata
23351 Answers
523 Consultations

1. You have attained the age of majority. All the rights which accrue to an adult accrue to you as well. As a citizen of India you have the right to walk out of your parental home at any time. You may select a life partner of your own choice without respect to the individual proposed by your parents. If you desire to convert to Hinduism then your parents can impose no embargo on your right to convert as every citizen of India is free to practice, profess and propagate a religion of his own choice. Similarly you have the right to take up any employment.

2. You do not need your parents permission to marry the guy you love. You may marry your lover despite your parents' opposition to your marriage.

3. If you are being held against your will by your parents then you may move to High Court for being released and also afforded police protection. Your lover may move the court on your behalf. Court will not only order your release but also award you protection from any kind of further harassment by your parents.

4. Honour killing is a reality in India. If you apprehend that your family members may resort to such an extreme step then it is expedient that you obtain protection from the High Court. Courts are awarding death sentences to those found guilty of committing honour killings.

Ashish Davessar
Advocate, Jaipur
30814 Answers
974 Consultations

1. You are an adult living in a democratic country named India. You have every right not only to continue to do your job but also to live your life the way you please within the frame work of law. Marrying in other religion is very much lawful in our country,

2. You can wait for any time and do your job till then for which no body has any right even to make an attempt to stop you,

3. As per Special Marriage Act, a Muslim girl can marry a Hindu boy even without changing her religion. Both can continue to follw their own faith if they wish,

4. You dad is wrong. His theory is applicable in Afganisthan, Sudan etc., not in India,

5. Lodge a police complaint immediately if you feel that some foolish attempt on you, in the name of so called honour kiiling, may be made on you,

6. Ask for protection on this account.

Krishna Kishore Ganguly
Advocate, Kolkata
27533 Answers
726 Consultations

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