• regarding prior intimation to my dept. for applying to UPSC EXAM

hello sir,
 i am working as a class-I rank officer in govt. of India undertaking and i am an IAS aspirant too. So, in this context, i would like to ask whether a prior intimation to my dept is must before applying to UPSC Exam.( As per the UPSC guidelines i should intimate i dept. while applying.) Though i will inform upsc about my job detail while applying but i don't want to intimate to my dept. 
I would like to know, what will happen if i don't apply through proper channel and i get selected for coveted job ? How much serious it will be at later stage of joining.
thank you
with regards
Asked 10 years ago in Labour

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2 Answers

1. As per the service conduct rule of the PSU you are working with, you are to apply through them to any other Company,

2. If you do not apply through proper channel and manage to get selected, you will not get the release order at the time of leaving the PSU which will be essenial for you to submit before the authority while joining the new job.

Krishna Kishore Ganguly
Advocate, Kolkata
27533 Answers
726 Consultations

U.P.S.C. would consider your act of not informing present Govt. Job as dishonesty on your part. Its not that you are ready to forego certain benefits, but you have to be honest in your approach. As per the notification, since you are employed, you have to apply through your present employer, i.e., in your case Govt.PSU. Do not take chances by not applying through proper channel.

Shashidhar S. Sastry
Advocate, Bangalore
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