• contract agreement


my to be employer says i need to sign a two year contract with the company.
it doesn't say what is to happen if i decide to leave the company before completing those two years. it however states that i need to give the company a 2 months written notice. what i need to know that is there a 1 year contract that can be put into place. i could probably convince him to reduce the contract to 1 year. and also can a company tie me down for a 2month notice period? is this legal.

Hoping you can help me out here.

Asked 10 years ago in Labour

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1 Answer

1. There is no bar in a Company's asking for 2 months notice period,

2. There are Companies who make one year contract with their employees,

3. You can discuss with them & change it to one year.

Krishna Kishore Ganguly
Advocate, Kolkata
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