An education loan for abroad studies without collateral is even more attractive, as it does not require any form of security when applying for an education loan. There are numerous banks in India offering an abroad education loan without collateral.
In the case of an education loan without collateral for abroad, borrowers are required to submit documentation, and fulfil relevant requirements, and eligibility criteria.
Lenders available for a loan without collateral to study abroad can be categorised into public and private lenders. Some prominent lenders include:
- Public banks like SBI, Bank of Baroda, etc offer applicants with a loan of upto 7.5 Lakhs without collateral.
- Private banks like Axis Bank, ICICI Bank, HDFC, etc offer students a loan amount upto 40 lakhs without collateral. Private banks also have a repayment period of around 10-12 years, and an interest rate between 10-12%.
- Other lenders include NBFCs (Non banking financial companies) like Incred and Auxilo, which offer students with an abroad study loan without security of upto 40 lakhs, with a rate of interest between 10-18%.