• A consultation regarding my love

I am a 3rd year B-Tech student studying at Chennai.I love a 1st year B.E. student from another college.Both of us are Hindu.The girl's father is a lawyer at Delhi,her mother is a H.O.D. of a college.My dad is a business man and my mother is a house wife.The problem began from the last of Feburary.Both of our family know about our love and also my dad has already spoke to her mother.The girl studies well than me,but i too study but to some extent.I don't know the reason why her mother hates me and also made her daughter my lover also to do the same.To be frank I have no fear for her family but I need her to live a happy married life with me.Her mother has done black magic against her to make her move away from me.I do not believe these stuffs but at certain stage many astrologers started to preach the same.Not only her mother also the girls friends have also done cheap activities through social media that could temper my girl towards me.Even now I am breaking my head to reunite my love,but all is vain.Due to this pressure I have to re-continue my course and my family doesnt know this.I have no idea on this issue.I have texted her several times for the past two weeks,but she cuts the call on hearing my voice and blocks my number.If she doesn't loves me she would have told everything to her parents and made this as a big issue.Nothing like that has happened so far.I am determined only to marry her with the permission of both parents of either side.Please help me with the issue.I need my girl to lead a happy life with me.
Asked 10 years ago in Family Law
Religion: Hindu

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8 Answers

Its not a question require legal advice.

S.P. Srivastava
Advocate, New Delhi
703 Answers
13 Consultations

Unless and until your gf unequivocally agrees to marry you by discarding the opposition by her family there is no legal remedy you can pursue. She is the one who has to take the call. If she is willing to marry you and is restrained from doing that in any manner by her family members then you may approach the High Court.

Ashish Davessar
Advocate, Jaipur
30814 Answers
974 Consultations

1) your gf does not want to remain in touch with you .

2) she is not replying to your messages nor taking your calls

3) concentrate on your studies and forget her

Ajay Sethi
Advocate, Mumbai
97606 Answers
7901 Consultations

Love can not be one sided. Even though you say that your gf also loves you, but her actions speak otherwise. There is no point in loving a girl when there is no positive reciprocation from her. I also endorse Mr.Ajay Sethi's views that you should forget her and the same energy can be diverted towards your studies.

Shashidhar S. Sastry
Advocate, Bangalore
5463 Answers
330 Consultations

Just because she has not changed her mobile number and not making an issue out of that does not mean that she loves you. May be she wants the issue to be buried and thats the reason why she has disconnected from you and not making the issue public.

Shashidhar S. Sastry
Advocate, Bangalore
5463 Answers
330 Consultations

1) why should your gf change her number . ?

2)the fact that she is not answering your calls is sufficient indication she wants break up from you .

3)dont keep on pestering her or she will file case of stalking against you

Ajay Sethi
Advocate, Mumbai
97606 Answers
7901 Consultations

Why should she change her number to communicate she does not want to continue the relationship? You can be prosecuted for stalking on a complaint filed by her. So retreat if she does not express her willingness to continue the relation.

Ashish Davessar
Advocate, Jaipur
30814 Answers
974 Consultations

1. If she does not want to marry you, the matter ends there itself,

2. Concentrate on your studies.

Krishna Kishore Ganguly
Advocate, Kolkata
27533 Answers
726 Consultations

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