If the course you get in and qualify for is certified then you can become an instructor. But you cannot award certificates to your students unless you have obtained permission from the certifying authority.
I am a former tattoo artist now barber and am going to take a Scalp Micro Pigmentation corse. Once I get my license for my new shop can I certify and apprentice my own students. And hv a certificate made. How can that happen legally.
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If the course you get in and qualify for is certified then you can become an instructor. But you cannot award certificates to your students unless you have obtained permission from the certifying authority.
You can apprentice students
you can give experience certificate that they have worked for you for x period
Where you are going to start this profession in USA or in India ?
If in USA then in which state, so we can answer you query accordingly.
Just by obtaining a certificate for doing this professional job, you cannot impart training to the upcoming student on the subject. You should have obtained training or completed a training course to take classes to apprentice students. Besides to have your own training institute you have to apply for affiliation from a legally recognised institution which will authorise you to conduct such course, but you ma not be authorised to conduct examination and give certificates to the prospective students. Thi9s can be done only by the university/legally authorised institute.
By obtaining this course you can continue the profession to the clients but cannot impart education or conduct classes without proper license or without proper training to conduct classes.
Only if you are authorised to certify the as per your scheme of course. If there are o guidelines then you can certify the same