1. This question is state specific,
2. Visit local Court to ascertain the rule.
hello sir, I am a final year law student in Hyderabad. I am planning to file a case as party in person for my property dispute pertaining to my property situated in Gulbarga District. I would like some one to update me about the present rules pertaining to the pecuniary jurisdiction upto district courts in karnataka.
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i know that it is state specific. Could you please provide an online link
Upto Rs.5 Lakh of the valuation of the suit property the civil courts junior division have pecuniary jurisdiction to try the suit and for more than Rs. 5 Lakhs of the valuation of the suit in the civil courts senior division try the suit in the State of Karnataka.
What could be the court fee
Is temporary injunction sufficient as per order 39 rule 1 cpc if my neighbor is simply irritating me as I stay in hyd
for court fee you have to check court fee act of the state .if neigh bour is irritating you issue legal notice first . then only consider legal option
1. Application u/O 39 Rule 1 & 2 should has to follow the basic suit,
2. So, file the basic suit praying for what is that you want apart from the said injunction,
3. It may be a declaratory suit also.