We are having shops in Society located in Kalyan. All 6 shops are around 40feet far from main buildings and there is no flats above the shops,but part of society , there is no facility of water, washrooms, streetlight , security, lift and all common facilities for which maintenance is applicable . Then also they are asking maintenance as per flats , weather we are eligible to pay the maintenance fully as per law ? Can we be separate from society and form a new society of 6 members to avoid daily quarrels?
Asked 2 years ago in Consumer Law
Also confirm , weather to sell shops we have to seek society's permission and even to give on rent also we require their permission ?
Asked 2 years ago
We are not denying maintenance, but weather it's to be equal to others ? and also the shops built in such a way that it seems separate from society only 40-50ft beems built to show as a part else there is a distance of 40-50 ft between residential buildings and shops . as there a separate terrace on shops , that also claimed by society as a common place ? further to form a society minimum requirement is of 5 members and we are 6 , so can't we be separate from society ? also as seen in other judgements if the area can be measured and more than 5 members are there , it can be divided . Pl confirm your views
Asked 2 years ago
Whenever we sale a shop after selling we have to submit the entire set of registered documents or only copy of Index2 is sufficient to transfer of name and what are the max charges payable as transfer fees of shop area around 300sqf
Asked 2 years ago
Whenever we sale a shop, after selling we have to submit the entire set of registered documents or only copy of Index2 is sufficient to transfer of name ?and what are the max charges payable as transfer fees of shop area around 300sqf
Asked 2 years ago
No after sale to get transfer of membership in society , what is the max transfer fees payable to society ? and for new member can only INDEX2 is sufficient with new membership application ?
Asked 2 years ago