• Caw cell and women cell

 Is caw cell & women cell are the same? What is the difference between them. 
2: Is that possible to have divorce without presence & the speration of a year is compulsory in divorce. 
My husband is falsely telling to the people that our divorce is going to final. & the main thing is that i haven't seen my husband from last 2 months. Can he do that false & illegal thing?
Asked 10 years ago in Family Law
Religion: Hindu

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4 Answers

1) in case of divorce by mutual consent under section 13 of HMA separation of one year is necessary

2) in case of contested divorce petition separation of one year is not necessary .

3)your husband can spread any rumors but that wont serve his purpose of getting immediate divorce .

Ajay Sethi
Advocate, Mumbai
97603 Answers
7901 Consultations

CAW stands for Crime Against Women. women cell is term generally used. for MCD separation of one year is necessary.He can say anything to anybody but that does not mean as true.divorce can be granted without presence of other party if he/she has been proceeded ex-parte.

S.P. Srivastava
Advocate, New Delhi
703 Answers
13 Consultations

yes they are same,are you staying with your husband or not and for how many years are you married

Rajeev Bari
Advocate, New Delhi
1506 Answers
92 Consultations

1. CAW cell is created to act agsint Crime Against Wome & Women Cell tries to mediate between quarreling couple,

2. For MCD both should be seperated for one year & for any suit including Divorce suit the other patyy will get notice for appearing and contesting the suit,

3. Make sure that your husband has not sent any notice to you which you have ignored.

Krishna Kishore Ganguly
Advocate, Kolkata
27533 Answers
726 Consultations

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